Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Progress XXX

Up to 31% typed up on 3's Company! I'll do more this evening and try to get it up to 40% at least. As far as wordcount overall & Sweating with Sven goes, then it's not looking good. Although, if I can get this typed up and start on the shifter novella then I may get closer to 60K by the end of Sven than I thought I would a week ago.
What I don't want is to fall into the trap of writing it out longhand and having to go through this whole typing it up malarkey again. Which will mean sitting at my desk during lunch to write and coping with interruptions. ::sigh::

Mood: Good
Music: Black Parade by My Chemical Romance


  1. Ooh, my wussy little hand cramps up just thinking about writing longhand. Of course I would endure it during my lunch breaks if it meant more writing though!

    And fab job on the wordcount, Merry! :)

  2. Thanks Elle!
    I wrote longhand becauseI would go to the cafe at work for my lunchbreak and write there (and I'm amazed at how much I managed to do in 40 mins-1hr of solid writing as well). But of course I didn't think of stage 2 which was the typing up. I'd forgotten the horror of having to do that for my dissertation way back in the day. I should have known that if I'd blanked it out it can't have been good!

  3. Have you thought of an AlphaSmart? Not horribly expensive and lightweight? Might be a good gift from a loved one?

  4. I've heard nothing but good about the Alphasmart. The Writer's Technology blog had a great article about it, and another selling point for me would be the ridiculously long battery life--700 hours (!!!) on 3 little batteries. Kinda makes me hate my laptop just thinking about it LOL

  5. I shall have to investigate. It's a pity my birthday's just gone or I might have been able to wangle one then. Ah, well.
    700 hours! Even my iPod doesn't do that well. Actually, back when I used a portable CD player I don't think *that* had as good battery life as the Alphasmart. 700 hours. ::blinks:: you could take it on holiday and not even need to replace the batteries (or if you did, at least you've *only* got to replace the batteries instead of having to hunt for a plug and recharge.)

    Thanks for the info!


    Is the official Alphasmart website, but check ebay because you can usually find one for cheap there except near November. :) Just make sure to check which generation it is before bidding too much.
