Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Progress XXXIII

Okay, nearly finished the second draft of 3's Company. First draft was 26, 033 words; second draft, so far, is up to 31, 423 words. I stopped at the 20, 571 words mark (in 1st draft) which means that I've added 10,852 new words up to that point in the story in the 2nd draft.

I am pleased! I've got the afternoon off today (worked late last night, last late night this term) and I'll be supervising the putting up of shelves later; but hopefully I'll be able to put this to bed tonight as I've got the house to myself until about 22:30hrs.

This is only for me, but I like the picture and wanted and excuse to use it! (Thanks to Rachel Caine for the pic!


  1. For Captain Jack Sparrow, I'd surrender just about anything. :)

  2. Oh, me too! ::sigh:: Who'd have thought that a dirty, scruffy pirate could have so much charm and sex appeal?
